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Paulette Rigo


Paulette Rigo


Spalding County Coweta County Georgia Fayette County Coaching - Wellness ADR - Mediator (ADR) Alternative Dispute Resolution Coaching


Paulette Rigo is an experienced ADR mediator, Certified Divorce Coach, Certified Divorce Specialist, Certified Amicable Divorce Professional who has served as a neutral in all types of conflict surrounding family court and divorce. She trained for two years with experienced trial attorney and nationally prominent mediator, arbitrator, ADR trainer Patricia A. Siuta. 

It is Paulette’s personal 8.5 year litigated and appellant experience and expertise that makes her so skilled in allowing her clients to stay in control, try to stay out of court, maintain their dignity, create the right team of professionals from the early stage of contemplation to the necessary final steps of healing using practical tools, inspiration and proven models.


Better Divorce Academy, PGR Solutions LLC, Worldwide. 2016-present

Holistically supporting the divorce journey with education, strategy, preparation, resolution, healing and transformation

    •    CDC Certified Divorce Coach® NADP Certified Divorce Specialist

    •    Credentialed Civil, Divorce and Family Mediator: Henning Mediation LLC

    •    Mediator, Divorce Coach and Career Consultant: Prime Financial LLC

    •    Corporate HR Divorce and Mediation Consultant: NOLO

    •    Director of Divorce Coaching and Management: Divorce Right LLC.

    •    Administer online group and individual 1:1 coaching support programs

    •    Creator of immersive Divorce Preparation and Recovery Best Life Ever Retreats

    •    Host, The Thriving in Chaos Project: The Podcast

    •    Author; Better Divorce Blueprint Book and Workbook, No Matter What Card Deck

    •    Co-Creator The How To Divorce A Narcissist Method

In addition, Paulette is the Director of Coaching and Management for 

We are the pioneers of transforming the impact divorce has on business culture and bottom line through divorce sensitivity and awareness training and private expert coaching that decreases the loss of revenue and maintains a positive employee culture. 

She didn't find this work... it found her. 

She personally supports, expertly guides, fiercely coaches clients from the very early stages of contemplation, planning, approaching, researching, managing, surviving, thriving and healing during and after the entire divorce process. 

Paulette founded, authored: Better Divorce Blueprint Book and Workbook, The How To Divorce A Narcissist Method, No Matter What card deck to broaden my ability to reach and support more people struggling with ALL things divorce. 


Workbook LINK


As the host of The Better Divorce Podcast she brings experts in their fields in deep mastermind conversations to educate, inspire and share valuable resources.  

When life throws us off course we all need a direct path, clear vision and expertise to get to the other side. Creating the solutions and outcomes you desire sets you up for the life you deserve.


Divorce is a catalyst for change, not a failure. What life do you deserve and desire? Let's make it happen now.


Atlanta Magazine Feature
One Sheet
Peachtree City Moms Feature
Better Divorce Blueprint
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