Identifying & Dealing with Personality Disorders in Mediation
Identifying & Dealing with Personality Disorders in Mediation
Friday, October 25, 2024 (9:00 AM - 12:00 PM) (EDT)
This is an event for professionals only.
For those who have never heard Tori Owens speak, you are in for a treat. Tori is an Amicable Divorce Network member who is a mediator, mental health professional and parent coordinator. She does a great job of helping professional identify individuals with personality disorders and provides actionable steps on how to deal with this challenge in mediation. The final segment of the seminar will be with Tracy Ann Moore-Grant, attorney & mediator, providing provisions for high conflict parents, which is often the cause of a personality disorder. Topics will include a communication protocol, extracurricular activity details to include and more This event is on Zoom and at 9am eastern/and noon BST and is free for attendees not seeking CLE credit. Attendees seeking CLE will get a certificate of attendance after the event and for GA we attendees will pay for your CLE hours directly.