Maribeth Blessing

Maribeth Blessing
Bucks County Chester County Montgomery County Philadelphia County Pennsylvania Legal (ADR) Alternative Dispute Resolution ADR - Mediator ADR - Arbitrator ADR - Parent Coordinator Lawyer- Divorce and Family Law
Maribeth Blessing, Esquire
Ms. Blessing’s law practice is concentrated in Family Law, but her firm also handles, Wills, and all Alternative Dispute Resolution Out of Court Processes (Arbitration, Mediation and Collaborative Law, Parental Coordination) with offices located at 310 Huntingdon Pike, Rockledge. She is a member of the Fellows of the American Bar Association, former President and current practitioner with Collaborative Family Law Affiliates and member of International Academy of Collaborative Practitioners and the Collaborative Family Law committee of the PA Bar Association. Additionally, Ms. Blessing is member of the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts where she trained as a Parent Coordinator, and a member of the Parent Coordination subcommittee of the Family Law Section. She is a member of Strathmore’s Who’s Who, receiving the 2007 Professional of the Year Award in Alternative Dispute Resolution. Ms. Blessing is a life member of the National Registry of Who’s Who, and Honored member of Continental Who’s Who. She was awarded an Outstanding Service Award by Widener School of Law in 2003 and 2012 Woman of the Year Award by the National Association of Professional Women. Ms. Blessing has received appointments from the Montgomery Bench as Arbitrator, Special Master and Guardian Ad Litem. She is an active Child Advocate for MCAP. As a member of the Pennsylvania Bar Association Family Law Section, Ms. Blessing is a former Council member and has served as the Liaison between the PBA Family Law Committee and the PBA Children’s Rights Committee for over five years. She is a member of the PBA Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee and on the Legislative Sub-committees of the PA Bar Children’s Rights Committee and Family Law Section. Ms. Blessing is a past President of the Doris Jonas Freed American Inn of Court and now serves as Counselor. Additionally, she was a member of the MBA Judiciary Committee, a Director for the Montgomery Bar Association, is a member of the Bench Bar and Women in Law committees, and the Montgomery County Bar Trial Lawyers Section as well as former Chair of the Family Law Section and continuing active member.
Ms. Blessing also offers diversified mediation (concentrating in family and elder mediation) and arbitration services through Maribeth Blessing, Mediation & Arbitration, L.L.C. Ms. Blessing is an Advanced Practitioner with the Association of Conflict Resolution with training completed at the National Center for Mediation Education. She was also a member of the board of directors of ACR-Delaware Valley Chapter, a member of Pennsylvania Council of Mediators,, as well as a court approved member of the Mediation Advisory Panel for Montgomery County since 1999 and one of four approved Supervisory Mediators in Montgomery County. She was affiliated with Divorce Done Right and was featured on the Channel 6, ABC nightly news and in the March 2007 issue of Philadelphia Magazine, in the article, “The Divorce Posse.” She is former Chair and continuing member of the Montgomery Bar Mediation Committee of the Family Law Section. Ms. Blessing received arbitration training from the American Bar Association Section of Family Law.
Ms. Blessing has served in roles as speaker, author, presenter, and course planner for the PBA/PBI, Montgomery Bar Association, National Business Institute, Doris Jonas Freed Inn of Court, Montgomery County Mediation Center, individual programs continuing legal and mediation education, and presentations for the general public, rotary groups, and organizations over the course of her legal and alternative dispute career.
Among Ms. Blessing’s numerous recognitions and awards are the following:
* 2014 to Present- Super Lawyers List; Featured in May 2014, Pennsylvania & Delaware “Super Lawyers Magazine;
* 2014 to Present- Top Attorneys in Pennsylvania; Featured in June, 2014 “Philadelphia Magazine”
* 2014 -2023 “10 Best” Attorney Award for Pennsylvania; American Institute of Family Law Attorneys
*2018 Albert Nelson Marquis Who’s Who Lifetime Achievement Award
*2018 Publishing 2018 on in “Worry Free Divorce”, Chapter titled
The Civil Resolution to Dissolution
*2012 to present Super Lawyers List; Featured in May 2018, Pennsylvania & Delaware Super Lawyers Magazine and Philadelphia Magazine
*2018-present “10 Best” Attorney Award for Pennsylvania; American Institute of Family Law Attorneys
*Present Better Business Bureau Rating of A+ since 2016
*2017 Expert Network Distinguished Lawyer Award
*2017 Interview Segment for Impact Radio on “Divorce Talk”
*2017 Super Lawyers List; Featured in May 2017, Pennsylvania & Delaware Super Lawyers Magazine and June 2017 Philadelphia Magazine
* 2016 Nationally Ranked Top 10 Attorney Award; National Academy of Family Law Attorneys
* 2016 Three Years Client Satisfaction Award; American Institute of Family Law Attorneys
* 2015 Two Years Client Satisfaction Award; American Institute of Family Law Attorneys
* 2015 Super Lawyers List; Featured in May 2015, Pennsylvania & Delaware Super Lawyers Magazine and June 2015 Philadelphia Magazine
* 2014 Elected to Board of Directors for Delaware Valley Chapter of Association of Conflict Resolution
* 2014 Doris Jonas Freed American Inn of Court-Fred Cohen, Esq. Award of Excellence
* 2014 Super Lawyers List; Featured in May 2014 Pennsylvania & Delaware Super Lawyers Magazine and June issue of Philadelphia Magazine
* 2014 Top Attorneys in Pennsylvania; Featured in June, 2014 “Philadelphia Magazine”
* 2014 “10 Best” Attorney Award for Pennsylvania; American Institute of Family Law Attorneys
* 2014 Doris Jonas Freed American Inn of Court recipient of “The Frederick Cohen, Esquire Award of Excellence
* 2013 Superb Attorney Award - Rated 10; AVVO to present
* 2012 AVVO Client’s Choice Award
* Continental Who’s Who Recipient 2011 to present; 2012 Honored Member Award
* 2011-12 Woman of the Year Award; National Association of Professional Women
* 2007 Swarthmore Profession of the Year in Dispute Resolution Award
* Nominated and Accepted; The Fellows of the American Bar Foundation, 2009
* Swarthmore Lifetime Member Based on Leadership and Achievement in Profession
* American Biographical Institute Fellow in Family Law and Mediation 2011 to present
* 2011 Woman of the Year in Family Law; American Biographical Institute
* Certificate of Achievement as Director of Montgomery Bar Association, 2007-2009
* Appearance on ABC Channel 6 re: Mediation Interview, February 2007
* Featured in Philadelphia Magazine, March 2007 issue; “The Divorce Posse” by Amy Donahue Korman
* Featured in Bucks County Courier Times Newspaper article; “Mediation; An Easier Way to Say Goodbye”, 2007
* Speaker, Rockledge-Cheltenham Rotary Club, 2005
* Strathmore’s Who’s Who Recipient, 2004-present
* Selected for membership; Collaborative Family Law Affiliates, 2004
* 2003 Doris Jonas Freed Inn of Court Appreciation Award for Dedication
* Alumni Award, 2003 Outstanding Service Award, Widener School of Law
* Award, Doris Jonas Freed American Inn of Court, 2003
* Award, Montgomery Bar Family Law Section, 2002
* Law Day Elementary School Instructor, 3rd grade, 2001
* Life Member of the National Registry of Who’s Who, 2000 Edition
* Chosen instructor for National Business Institute Presentation, 2000
* Representative to National Conference of American Inns of Court, 1999
* Speaker, Willow Grove Rotary Club, 1999
* Appointed by Montgomery County Bench as Guardian Ad Litem and Child Advocate * Selected by Montgomery County Bench and Counsel as Arbitrator in Equitable Distribution and Special Master in an Annulment proceeding and
Special Master to adjudicate grounds trial in Divorce case
* Continuing Legal Education PBI and Montgomery County Bar Lecturer/Author
* Instructor, Community Program; Legal View Seminar, Norristown Public Library
* Life Member, The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi
* Panel Judge Participant for mock trial competition, Young Lawyers of Montgomery Bar Association
* 97% Settlement rate for Domestic Relations Support complaints and enforcement conferences
* Maintained support enforcement caseload of 3000 cases utilizing Federal and State remedies
* Established training procedures for DRO Officers
* Developed comprehensive remedial programs for learning disabled students
* District demonstrator for pilot Science program
* Faculty representative on Principal Selection Committee
* Art and Drama coordinator for 26 member faculty and 600 students